Previously KNOT JUST PICS. Same shit, different name.

We have definitely seen an increase in people having a legal wedding and then a separate party wedding. And we are here for it in a big way! Hayley and Liam did their legal wedding at the lovely Islington Town Hall. Followed a few days later by their big party wedding on New Year’s Eve in Homerton. For their legal ceremony, they shared their day with their immediate family. After their incredibly emotional ceremony, we moved across to The Canonbury. We love a good pub wedding as they give you all the good things you want – great food and drink, but without all the excess frills of a wedding venue. Perfect if you want to keep it simple. As is abundantly clear, Hayley and Liam both have the most impeccable style. But probably our fave part of their day was their amazing wedding rings! Hands down the coolest we have ever seen!

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