Previously KNOT JUST PICS. Same shit, different name.

Michelle and Nick had a gorgeous Autumny wedding. It was at one of my fave registry offices Morden Park House which is in the most gorgeous gardens. Michelle, Nick, and their not so secret little bun – shared their day with some of their closest people. Michelle and Nick had the most beautiful, playful energy with each other which was just so fun to be around. After their ceremony and a few sneaky pics in the lovely rainy gardens, they snuck off for a lovely hang out with friends and fancy dinner together. Probably the best thing about Town Hall weddings is how perfectly unique they can be! You can create a wedding around all the things you love, and starting this off with a registry office wedding and just adding on whatever your heart desires. Michelle and Nick, thank you so much for letting me spend a bit of time with you on your most magical day x

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